Categories: Trellis, Roots, Bedrock

Earlier this year we began using Roots' Trellis, Bedrock and Sage to develop and manage websites. While the system is everything WordPress should be. There are some things it should not be. One of them is temperamental, another is incredibly complicated.

Today I'm working on our third project with Roots. But simultaneously with our second and fourth. So we've only built one site with this system so far.

When we were building that site, and went to provision and deploy our server, we encountered this issue. Today, it returns when we're trying to provision and deploy the staging server for our next site.


The Problem

Then I re-ran the above command with debugging output to see if I could get some clarity.


The Solution

Hack First

Executing ansible-playbook server.yml -e env=staging -u root  - the -u root portion is what worked for me. I suspect this is actually a bug with Trellis' provisioning script(s). But I don't know.


Real Solution

Currently, I do not have a real solution. I think it might be related to the names of my site across my various group_vars files. But I really don't know.