Categories: Digital Marketing

There's that old saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover." But this time might be the exception!

Photographers are, at their core, judged by their cover photos. You can instantly tell if you'd be satisfied with that quality of work.

So this article is not as focused on identifying quality photographers but more focused on helping you know what to expect from a professional photography studio.




Exploratory Discussion

This will be similar to the initial conversation you had about your project except for our team to document the details officially, and submit them you in writing afterward. There will also be more detailed questions and some discussion about scheduling and pickup of supplies.

  • Ideation - This phase is done internally, and our team discuss ideas for all aspects of how to execute the project - creatively and operationally.
    • What are you seeking for locations?
    • What are your expectations for models?
      • Sex
      • Skin / Hair
      • Wardrobe
      • Accessories
      • Height
      • Weight / Body Type
      • Age
    • What time of day do you want?
    • What season(s) do you want?
    • What type of lighting do you want?
      • Natural
      • Exotic
  • Wireframe / Reference Photos - Our photographer will select reference photos and create wireframe drawings to demonstrate the placement of models, props, lighting, etc... so everyone involved can have some idea of the visual goal.
  • Model Selection - We will research and select models.
  • Prop Selection & Acquisition - We will locate potential props for use.
  • Location Selection & Booking - Some projects require locations beyond our studio, in such cases we have to select and schedule those locations.
  • Scheduling - The Producer - often times the same as our photographer - will select scheduling dates.
  • Packet - We will deliver a digital packet with the above items to you for approval.
  • Finalize - Finalizing the schedule, submitting purchase orders, etc... for necessary items.



  1. Arrive at Location
  2. Setup Props, Lighting, Weather Protection
  3. Models Arrive
  4. Makeup / Wardrobe



  • Select - We choose the photos we believe are the best candidates for your requirements.
  • Retouch - Removes dust, fingerprints, other perfections.
  • Color Correct
  • Delivery Photos via Google Drive
  • Get written approval from the client.