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This article is intended to be a complete chart of organic materials and their common costs used as stuffing and batting. I wrote it for my own purposes, to the best of my knowledge, but happily invite others to use it and contribute suggestions! While I love owning and operating The Portland Company sometimes I just need a break form the computer. So I started a side business crafting custom furniture, selling it online through websites like Etsy. As I began to receive orders I quickly discovered that my local fabric store, #JoAnnFabric, did *not have any organic stuffing, batting or fabrics! *According to one of their employee's. Well... they had one type of cotton batting but it was outrageously expensive. So I deferred to the internet and this began a search for organic stuffing and batting. I hadn't actually heard the term "batting" until I started searching around. I began by searching for "stuffing", which often lead to Thanksgiving recipes. Ha.
Material Price Amount Example Notes
Raw Cotton $6  Pound  I found it important to note that you want raw cotton. Meaning it will not have been bleached, ginned, etc... The way you can tell is that the color will be uneven cream and will have cotton seed and plant fragments in it.
Wool $15  Yard
Bamboo $15  340 Grams
Flax $  I heard this exists but haven't been able to actually locate any.
Soy $
Alpaca Fur $
Corn $7  200  This would fill about a 15" tall teddy bear.

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These are some of the articles I read while compiling this article:
  1. This was extremely informative helping me understand my options.